Why Depression May Feel Stronger this Season, and Two Ways to Increase Your Emotional Resilience

COVID, Managing emotions

Depression can feel overwhelming during the holidays. There’s a few reasons for that. Our traditions and gatherings can usually remind us not only of the ways we are connected and grateful, but also the ways we can sometimes feel alone and isolated as well. This holiday brings with it an uninvited guest: a recognition that for many of us, this

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coping with grief

Coping with Grief during the Holidays

Managing emotions

You may be dreading the holidays this year, or just not as excited as usual. This is a normal response if you have lost a loved one or something important to you, whether it was this year or years ago. Anniversaries and holidays bring up memories and feelings that can be painful and hard to cope with.  What to Expect

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Setting a Centering Affirmation: How 1 Minute in the Morning Can Set You up for Success All Day.

Anxiety, COVID, Managing emotions, Neurology

Stress is everywhere these days.  You’re trying to stay afloat economically.  You’re concerned for the safety of your loved ones.  Some days just seem doomed from the start no matter the effort.  This toll on your body and mind diminishes your sense of hope and peace, until you find yourself grasping to the idea that the best you can hope

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Dissolve Self-Criticism with these 3 steps

Managing emotions

You find yourself having grace and patience with people in your life but when it comes to giving those gifts to yourself… you are sure out of luck. As the current of life continues on it’s quick, unforgiving pace it is easy to be swept up in rigid expectations of self; expectations to be the most gracious mother, the most

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Therapy at Home: Moving through Meaninglessness

COVID, Managing emotions

During quarantine, many of us have felt not like ourselves, including feeling unproductive, lonely, bored, easily emotional, or lacking in meaning. To understand why this may be, we’re going to review Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow theorized that we are initially motivated by the lowest or most basic need. As those needs are met, we move up the hierarchy to

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Therapy from Home: Working Through Depression

Managing emotions

Too often, depression is dismissed as sadness. When this happens, people who are depressed receive trite and unhelpful comments: “You’re just feeling sad” “You just need to get out” “Just look on the bright side” “Just go exercise” Depression is different than sadness Sadness is a common, everyday emotion. We feel sadness when we’re aware of having lost something important

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