Here Counseling
Achieve the life you've wanted with in-person and online therapy
We provide therapy in Los Angeles and Pasadena. Get the help you need with our therapy and assessment services from our experienced private practice psychologists and therapists. Don’t end up on a waiting list that will keep you frustrated for months.
When you reach out:
- We’ll help you match with a therapist near you
- You won’t be on a waiting list
- You’ll talk with a therapist within a week
- You’ll start your journey with an experienced therapist
Making a change takes courage.
It’s hard to push forward when you’re already exhausted. Maybe for you it’s anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or a traumatic experience. Regardless, we can get stuck in the same place because the change feels impossible.
However sometimes we get a glimpse of what we wish life could be like: that we could feel confident, strong, share life vulnerably with those closest to us, make clear decisions, and manage difficult feelings well.
We have therapists in Los Angeles and Pasadena who can help you make that change in your life.
Our therapists practice therapy in Los Angeles and Pasadena, but can also be seen virtually throughout California. Unlike most group practices, our co-practicing community is comprised of therapists and psychologists in private practice.
This means your therapist works independently, is paid fairly, and is employed by you, rather than a group. Furthermore, your therapist has freedom from group or insurance pressures, helping them to care for your specific needs.
Above all, we know that a good match between therapist and client is the leading indicator for therapy’s success. That’s why we have a care coordinator who can match you with a therapist that works for you.
Each of our therapists are quality, caring practitioners who invest deeply in the help they provide you. We can help you find your therapist today.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Talk with our Care Coordinator
Don't know where to start? Our Care Coordinator will connect you with therapy in Los Angeles or Pasadena with a therapist that's available to work with you. In fact, this first step may be one of the most important steps you take for your mental health. Find therapy near you today.