How to Set Healthy Boundaries
In summary, remember to be clear and straight forward as you establish tight boundaries, check in with yourself regularly, and utilize your support system.
In summary, remember to be clear and straight forward as you establish tight boundaries, check in with yourself regularly, and utilize your support system.
Life has looked a bit different these days. Instead of carpooling to soccer practice and planning birthday parties, you have helped your children set up their virtual classrooms and are doing anything to keep boredom at bay. Personal stressors arise for you as you navigate this uncertain time as a parent but how does a world pandemic look through the
With all the changes in our lives due the coronavirus and quarantine, our relationships are going to feel the strain. You are likely going to have more conflicts with your partner, simply by being around them more often. You also have the opportunity to deepen your relationship- therapy from home. In difficult times, our relationships can get stronger To really
For couples, quarantine can be anything but relaxing. The image of snuggling by a warm fire and completing crossword puzzles may be a reality for a small minority of couples, but for many of us it can be a pressure cooker. The risk of COVID-19, fears or realities of economic distress, lack of normal coping patterns (such as other friendships,
Close relationships are the center of a happy life. And while each of us wants to feel connected to others, often our words, actions, and non-verbals don’t seem to pull us closer to others. I want to talk about “passive questions” – a kind of interaction that can be tough to deal with in any relationship. Let’s talk about what