How to have Holiday Conversations with Family

Managing emotions

Times around the Holidays can be a mixed bag of emotions. With the joy and excitement around this time of year, there may also be anxiety and the anticipation of hard conversations with family members and loved ones. We have all felt that pressure, regardless of dynamics, connecting with loved ones can be difficult.  However, maybe it’s about reframing your

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Why won’t my teenager talk to me?


Being able to tune in to what your teenagers needs will help break the silence in your relationship. Your teenager has always been moody.  It seems like this is just expected to be a part of this passage into adolescence.  However, it can feel confusing to suddenly notice things seem even more frustrating as your teen is now hardly talking

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Am I Too Stressed? 3 Indicators Men Don’t Notice!

Managing emotions

Stress hits every individual differently, regardless of gender orientation or expression. But men struggling with too much stress often adopt negative coping skills that may not always be obvious. These negative coping skills, such as irritation, escape, unhealthy eating, and maladaptive digestion to name only a few, can effect way more than just your mental health.  Stress is sometimes good.

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Navigating stress as a college student

Anxiety, Managing emotions

This week, a 12am deadline came on the same day a super cute someone invited you to the event with the film club after class. And last week, hours of YouTube searches didn’t help you narrow down between your 3 top potential majors. You know you need to navigate between sleep and deadlines and family and dating and maintaining friends,

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How to Find the Right Therapist for You

Managing emotions

I know it might sound a little wild but finding a therapist is a lot like dating. Think about it: you go through the classic online searches and scrolls, you ask your peers if they have anyone in mind, and you spend a considerable amount of time and money getting to know potential prospects in the hopes that something clicks. 

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Is this normal teenage moodiness or depression?

Managing emotions

Am I overthinking my teen’s moodiness?  Teen years are some of the most essential years for development and also bring a great range of experiences. Sometimes, in the midst of these many changes, teens may display an increase in expressions of emotional highs and lows. The teenage years are a time of self exploration and development which can feel exhilarating!

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LGBTQ emotion regulation

LGBTQ Emotion Regulation: 4 Powerful and Simple Tips to Survive any Reaction to your Queerness

Managing emotions

Being Queer is something that you’ve worked hard to embrace. You’ve accepted your identity as a fact that you can’t and don’t want to change, and this level of self-acceptance has come with some major benefits. But while you’ve bulleted forward on your path of understanding and self-acceptance, you’ve left others behind- family members and former friends that you wish

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