IBS and anxiety create a firestorm that needs to be calmed down, soothed

IBS and Anxiety: How to soothe your gut using your mind

Anxiety, Managing emotions, Neurology

IBS and anxiety can negatively impact some of the most meaningful and connecting moments in life. It can turn a casual get-together or date sour. People who experience IBS can constantly worry about having another attack. Agoraphobia is common too – the fear of leaving home. It’s understandable why people who experience IBS issues experience heightened anxiety around everyday situations. 

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the channels in our brains impact how we experience our current external reality

Serotonin doesn’t make you happy: How to re-understand the happiness hormone for a happy life

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions, Neurology

Maybe you feel like no matter what you do, how hard you try, you can’t seem to get “out” of sadness. You can’t cheer yourself up, and you feel guilty about it. In this moment, we use a belief – a story – about what we should do to feel better. The false story is that serotonin, the “happiness hormone”,

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How to have Holiday Conversations with Family

Managing emotions

Times around the Holidays can be a mixed bag of emotions. With the joy and excitement around this time of year, there may also be anxiety and the anticipation of hard conversations with family members and loved ones. We have all felt that pressure, regardless of dynamics, connecting with loved ones can be difficult.  However, maybe it’s about reframing your

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How to Find the Right Therapist for You

Managing emotions

I know it might sound a little wild but finding a therapist is a lot like dating. Think about it: you go through the classic online searches and scrolls, you ask your peers if they have anyone in mind, and you spend a considerable amount of time and money getting to know potential prospects in the hopes that something clicks. 

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imposter syndrome

Feel like you’re never enough? Here’s 5 ways to combat imposter syndrome

Anxiety, Managing emotions

Are you good enough?  Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you’ve worked, someone will discover that you’re a phony? You don’t really know what you’re doing, but somehow you’ve convinced everyone that you deserve to be in the room. You don’t feel like you belong and, eventually, someone will realize that you don’t. For someone who really appreciates

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