clear your mind

Three simple steps to help you clear your mind and give you more energy.

Anxiety, Managing emotions

Do you ever have one of those nights – where you find yourself tossing and turning, your mind filled with thoughts and worries, “what ifs,” and feelings of uncertainty or fear? Sometimes these same feelings and thoughts pop up throughout the day, with a sudden sense of your mind racing, your heart rate speeding up, and breathing getting shallow. Suddenly,

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Can changing the way you listen help you feel more connected with your teen?

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions, Parenting

It can feel difficult to know how much of ‘their own space’ to give your teenager while still knowing that you need to be their parent. Learning to change a few of the things you are doing may help your teenager feel more heard and understood and bring a deeper connection that you’ll both benefit from in your relationship. Adolescent

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imposter syndrome

Feel like you’re never enough? Here’s 5 ways to combat imposter syndrome

Anxiety, Managing emotions

Are you good enough?  Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you’ve worked, someone will discover that you’re a phony? You don’t really know what you’re doing, but somehow you’ve convinced everyone that you deserve to be in the room. You don’t feel like you belong and, eventually, someone will realize that you don’t. For someone who really appreciates

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Listening is “fixing”: how to help your partner when they’re sad or scared

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions, Neurology

“I don’t want you to just fix the situation – can’t you just hear me?”  For many couples this is a familiar rough spot. Maybe one partner is overwhelmed by something difficult, and the other partner – often well intentioned – responds by finding solutions to the pain. This can be a place of contention and can escalate quickly. Each

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