Avoiding Feelings Has a High Cost: How to Increase Emotional Expression

Managing emotions

Avoiding feelings is something we often do under stress. For example, when life feels overwhelming, your instinct is to avoid the problems or “check out” from stressful situations. By avoiding difficult emotions, you think you’re sparing yourself from the pain. This is a common belief, and you’re not alone in thinking this way. Avoidance is a protective mechanism that makes

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IBS and anxiety create a firestorm that needs to be calmed down, soothed

IBS and Anxiety: How to soothe your gut using your mind

Anxiety, Managing emotions, Neurology

IBS and anxiety can negatively impact some of the most meaningful and connecting moments in life. It can turn a casual get-together or date sour. People who experience IBS can constantly worry about having another attack. Agoraphobia is common too – the fear of leaving home. It’s understandable why people who experience IBS issues experience heightened anxiety around everyday situations. 

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How Long Does Therapy Take? 3 Ways You Can Expect Growth Over Time

Managing emotions

Many clients come to therapy because they have a pressing life issue that is causing stress. They seek a therapist to guide them through a turbulent time that has brought confusion into their life. These stressors can be a loss, a break-up, financial strain, professional challenges, or a specific interpersonal conflict causing depression, anxiety or body discomfort. Depending on the

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Can New Year’s Resolutions Actually be Helpful?

Managing emotions

Setting new years resolutions is likely something you have done at least once or twice in your lifetime. The new year rolls around and you feel inspired and motivated to reflect on the current state of your life and work towards all the things that have been floating around in your head throughout the year. So you sit down and

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the channels in our brains impact how we experience our current external reality

Serotonin doesn’t make you happy: How to re-understand the happiness hormone for a happy life

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions, Neurology

Maybe you feel like no matter what you do, how hard you try, you can’t seem to get “out” of sadness. You can’t cheer yourself up, and you feel guilty about it. In this moment, we use a belief – a story – about what we should do to feel better. The false story is that serotonin, the “happiness hormone”,

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Overcome Seasonal Depression: Best Tips for Thriving in the Winter and Creating New Habits

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions

As you see the sun increasingly less during this time of year, you might also find yourself feeling sad and wondering why things are feeling more and more difficult. You notice that it’s harder to keep up your motivation. You’re feeling disconnected from your friends and family. There are days you feel significantly weighed down by your sadness. All you

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Holiday Resilience: How to enjoy your break despite disappointment

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions

It is a common experience to feel excited and hopeful as we anticipate the coming holiday season.  This is often a time for family gatherings and much needed break from your daily activities.  Yet also many people find that they have some hesitations and worries related to the holidays.  It is easy to find yourself dreading the potential difficulties and

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