The journey towards adoption can be a roller-coaster of emotions, hopes, and uncertainties. If you are a prospective adoptive parent, you may feel wholly overwhelmed by the process. This can be frustrating and confusing. You may find yourself wondering why the worthy goal to provide a loving and stable home for a child in need is so challenging. Perhaps you are thinking that a Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluation is just one more box to tick in a series of required steps towards your goal. Additionally, you may be wondering why it is even necessary.

I am here to simplify this process. Psychologists play a crucial role in the adoption process. We offer support and conduct Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluations to ensure the best possible match for both child and family. My goal is to make this part of the process comfortable, streamlined, and straightforward for you. Firstly, let me explain what we will be doing and why Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluations have become a mandatory step in the adoption process.

Understanding Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluations

A pre-adoption psychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a psychologist to determine the psychological readiness of prospective adoptive parents. This evaluation aims to provide insights into the individual’s emotional well-being, parenting abilities, and capacity to meet the needs of an adopted child. Here are some key aspects of the evaluation:

1. Psychosocial History

Firstly, I will conduct a clinical interview to assess your psychosocial history. This includes an exploration of your own family of origin and your mental health history, including any previous diagnoses or treatments. By understanding your mental health journey, I can assess its impact on your current well-being and coping strategies. That’s because this helps me identify potential challenges and develop strategies to support you in providing a loving and stable environment for your future child.

2. Parenting Attitudes and Skills

Secondly, I will ask you about your parenting attitudes, beliefs, and strategies. My aim here is to learn more about your ability to provide a nurturing and supportive environment. We will explore elements such as your parenting approach, discipline methods, and communication style. This part of the assessment helps ensure that your parenting style aligns with the needs of the child you adopt.

3. Relationships and Support Systems

Thirdly, I will evaluate your current support systems, including your relationships with family, friends, and community, which contribute to a strong support network. I recognize the importance of a robust support system in the adoption journey. By assessing the quality of your relationships and the availability of social support, I can gauge the resources you currently have in place and recommend additional resources, if relevant, to help you navigate the joys and challenges of adoptive parenting.

Common Questions about Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluations

1. I’ve already done so much. Why is a psychological evaluation necessary for adoption?

A pre-adoption psychological evaluation is necessary to ensure the well-being and compatibility of the prospective parents and the child, promoting a successful adoption outcome and long-term family stability. By assessing various psychological factors, I can identify any potential challenges or areas of strength, which allows me to provide targeted support and guidance throughout the adoption process.

2. I have faced mental health challenges in the past. Sometimes I still do. Will this affect my chances of adopting?

Firstly, having a history of mental health challenges does not automatically disqualify someone from adopting. Psychologists focus on assessing your current emotional well-being and coping strategies. I understand that individuals grow and evolve over time. Thus, your present state matters most in determining your readiness to provide a loving and stable home. I work collaboratively with you to address any concerns and to provide resources and strategies to support your emotional well-being throughout the adoption journey.

3. What can I do to prepare for a pre-adoption psychological evaluation?

Prior to the evaluation, it is helpful to reflect on your motivations for adoption, review your parenting strategies, and be open and honest about your experiences and challenges. Initially, consider what you envision for your future family. Next, think about any concerns or questions you may have. Remember, the evaluation is designed to support you in the adoption process, so approach it with an open mind and a willingness to share your thoughts and feelings. Understandably, it can be uncomfortable to talk about such personal topics. That’s why I create a warm, empathetic, and comfortable space for your evaluation, be it virtual or in-person.

Choosing the Right Psychologist for Your Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluation

It is important to consider what you are looking for from your assessment. I pride myself in offering competitive prices to lower the financial stressor. I also offer both virtual and in-person assessments. Therefore, as long as you are a resident of California, you don’t have to physically be in Los Angeles. If you’re interested in virtual assessment, check in with your adoption agent. Specifically, ask if the country you are adopting from (e.g. India) requires you to be at least partially assessed in-person. If you would like to learn more about Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluations, peruse common Q&A’s answered by Raising Everlasting Hope by clicking here.

Next Steps

As a psychologist, I am committed to making this overwhelming process as streamlined and comfortable as possible for you. With my experience in pre-adoption evaluations, I bring a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to help you navigate this important step towards building your family. Moreover, I understand the unique challenges and emotions that accompany the adoption journey. Therefore, I am dedicated to providing the support you need throughout this evaluation process. So, contact me today to pick a time for a complimentary consultation call to learn more about the process, ask any questions you may have, and book a time to begin your Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluation. The first step is to schedule this by emailing me at or selecting a time by clicking here.

I look forward to working with you!

Dr. Shannon Thomas specializes in ADHD testing and therapy, both virtually and in-person

Dr. Shannon Thomas

I conduct pre-adoption assessments to help families thrive.