Overcome Seasonal Depression: Best Tips for Thriving in the Winter and Creating New Habits

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions

As you see the sun increasingly less during this time of year, you might also find yourself feeling sad and wondering why things are feeling more and more difficult. You notice that it’s harder to keep up your motivation. You’re feeling disconnected from your friends and family. There are days you feel significantly weighed down by your sadness. All you

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Holiday Resilience: How to enjoy your break despite disappointment

Healthy Relationships, Managing emotions

It is a common experience to feel excited and hopeful as we anticipate the coming holiday season.  This is often a time for family gatherings and much needed break from your daily activities.  Yet also many people find that they have some hesitations and worries related to the holidays.  It is easy to find yourself dreading the potential difficulties and

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Is EMDR the Right Somatic Therapy for You? How to tell which therapy is best

EMDR, Managing emotions

“I don’t feel right in my own skin.” That sensation, of not feeling comfortable in your body, is a signal that simply talking about difficult memories, experiences, and emotions may not be enough to fully process and heal from your discomfort. The dis-ease you feel may need to be treated with therapeutic techniques that don’t rely solely on the thinking

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How to stop a Panic Attack: Video Explanation


A panic attack can be really scary and overwhelming. A lot of people can get frustrated with themselves when they experience a panic attack. It can be something that happens constantly and as a “regular” thing in your life. Because of that, you don’t feel comfortable going out in social settings or to work or other places where you fear

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The ABC’s of Panic Attacks: How to Empower Yourself


By Arianne MacBean Many clients come to therapy because they experience panic. Panic, or intense anxiety, can show up in the most random places and moments. You’re sitting there, doing your thing, and then suddenly you feel dizzy, your heart races, you feel nauseous, and a sense of doom overtakes you. This is panic, and it can feel overwhelming. However,

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What is somatic psychotherapy? How body awareness restores your mind

Anxiety, Managing emotions

Somatic psychotherapy is the umbrella term for methods of therapy that are rooted in the body where trauma, stress, and memory are housed. Somatic psychotherapies are based on the theory that the body holds emotion and experience. When hard-to-handle feelings and traumas are not processed, they can manifest as anxiety, panic, depression, chronic pain or illness, relational issues, self-esteem problems,

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