Successful Transitions: Back to School

COVID, Parenting

“How can parents best support their child during this time? We’re joined by Melissa Winfield, licensed clinical psychologist at Here Counseling in downtown Los Angeles, to discuss.” Melissa Winfield, PsyD was interviewed by AirTalk with Larry Mantle for KPCC. The intervew with Dr. Winfield begins at 35:00. Back-to-School Back-to-school looks different this year. After a year and a half of the pandemic, kids, parents

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Why Depression May Feel Stronger this Season, and Two Ways to Increase Your Emotional Resilience

COVID, Managing emotions

Depression can feel overwhelming during the holidays. There’s a few reasons for that. Our traditions and gatherings can usually remind us not only of the ways we are connected and grateful, but also the ways we can sometimes feel alone and isolated as well. This holiday brings with it an uninvited guest: a recognition that for many of us, this

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Setting a Centering Affirmation: How 1 Minute in the Morning Can Set You up for Success All Day.

Anxiety, COVID, Managing emotions, Neurology

Stress is everywhere these days.  You’re trying to stay afloat economically.  You’re concerned for the safety of your loved ones.  Some days just seem doomed from the start no matter the effort.  This toll on your body and mind diminishes your sense of hope and peace, until you find yourself grasping to the idea that the best you can hope

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A guide to encouraging your teenager during a world pandemic: even though you’re tired

COVID, Healthy Relationships, Parenting

Life has looked a bit different these days. Instead of carpooling to soccer practice and planning birthday parties, you have helped your children set up their virtual classrooms and are doing anything to keep boredom at bay. Personal stressors arise for you as you navigate this uncertain time as a parent but how does a world pandemic look through the

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Therapy from home: Three things you should be doing as a couple while quarantined

COVID, Healthy Relationships

With all the changes in our lives due the coronavirus and quarantine, our relationships are going to feel the strain. You are likely going to have more conflicts with your partner, simply by being around them more often. You also have the opportunity to deepen your relationship- therapy from home. In difficult times, our relationships can get stronger To really

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Therapy at Home: Moving through Meaninglessness

COVID, Managing emotions

During quarantine, many of us have felt not like ourselves, including feeling unproductive, lonely, bored, easily emotional, or lacking in meaning. To understand why this may be, we’re going to review Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow theorized that we are initially motivated by the lowest or most basic need. As those needs are met, we move up the hierarchy to

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COVID-19 Helpful Blog Articles

COVID, Managing emotions

This post is a list of blogs that I’ve come across and thought were worth sharing. I’ve included a brief snapshot of each article and organized them by topic. I’ll continue to update this page as I come across articles worth sharing. Also, be sure to check out blog posts from the clinicians at Here Counseling. Working from Home 6

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