As a psychologist who specializes in both therapy for people with ADHD as well as ADHD testing in Los Angeles, I know firsthand the struggles that adults with undiagnosed or untreated ADHD face on a daily basis. You may have been labeled as “lazy” or “unmotivated” throughout your life. However, these are only two of the common ADHD myths that society perpetuates. Click here to read my last blog to learn more about common ADHD Myths Debunked. In reality, ADHD is a very real and valid condition that affects millions of people in the United States alone. Indeed, ADHD is one of the most common psychological disorders. That’s why devotes a section of their websitespecifically to how adults who suspect they may qualify for an ADHD diagnosis can live healthier, more productive lives. The first step is seeking treatment for their ADHD.

Have you been struggling with symptoms such as difficulty focusing, impulsivity, and hyperactivity? Good news. It is never too late to seek a diagnosis for ADHD. In fact, seeking a diagnosis as an adult can be an incredibly empowering step towards understanding yourself and learning how to manage your symptoms more effectively.

Reasons to Seek an ADHD Testing and Diagnosis as an Adult

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), ADHD affects approximately 5% of adults in the U.S. This is a highly significant number for a mental health disorder. That’s over 10 million people struggling with the symptoms of ADHD on a daily basis. Many of these individuals may have gone undiagnosed or untreated for years, which can lead to a host of negative consequences in both their personal and professional lives.

So, why should you consider seeking an ADHD diagnosis as an adult in Los Angeles? Here are just a few reasons:

  1. Improved Self-Awareness

    1. Understanding that your symptoms are related to ADHD can help you make sense of some of the challenges you’ve faced in your life. It can also help you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to manage your symptoms more effectively.
  2. More Effective Treatment:

    1. With a diagnosis of ADHD, you can work with a mental health professional to develop a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your needs. This may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both.
  3. Improved Quality of Life:

    1. By managing your ADHD symptoms more effectively, you can improve your relationships, your career prospects, and your overall quality of life.

What to Expect When Seeking an ADHD Diagnosis in Los Angeles

Psychologists offer two types of treatment for ADHD. First, ADHD testing helps you learn whether you qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD. If you do, then completing ADHD testing with a psychologist with expertise in ADHD can qualify you for psychiatric medication as well as accommodations. These accommodations can include work/school/standardized testing accommodations, which range widely depending on your unique needs. You will receive a report following your ADHD testing, which will contain numerous specialized recommendations across each context ADHD affects in your life.

Second, if you complete ADHD testing and qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD, I will offer therapy specialized in ADHD. I design this therapy to be an empowering space. We will collaboratively develop a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your needs as well as integrate other symptoms you may be experiencing. In this structured, welcoming environment, you will learn and practice the tools to better manage and reduce your symptoms, thereby ultimately improving your overall quality of life.

While many of my clients come for ADHD testing in Los Angeles due to in-person options, did you know that ADHD testing can be fully virtual? That means that you do not need to commute or sit in an office for the lengthy assessment process. You can be located anywhere in the state of California. Rather, you can sit in the comfort of your own home and complete the clinical interview and assessment from home. Just make sure you have WiFi, a computer with webcam and microphone, scratch paper/pencil and, of course, a private space.

Next Steps to Access ADHD Testing in Los Angeles

In conclusion, ADHD is a very real and valid condition that affects millions of people in the United States alone. It is never too late to seek a diagnosis for ADHD as an adult. Seeking a diagnosis can be an incredibly empowering step towards understanding yourself and learning how to manage your symptoms more effectively.

I specialize in both ADHD testing and therapy for adults with ADHD. I am dedicated to helping my clients develop the skills and strategies they need to manage their symptoms more effectively. Are you ready to take the next step towards seeking an ADHD diagnosis? To learn how to successfully cope with, manage, and alleviate your symptoms, click this link. There, you will schedule a free 15-minute consultation to ensure this is a good fit for you. You don’t have to struggle with your symptoms alone. With the right treatment and support, you can lead a more fulfilling and successful life.